Cycle and support Kiwi men with prostate cancer
Can you cycle for Kiwi men?
Today, 10 Kiwi men will hear the devastating words: “I’m so sorry, you have prostate cancer.” No one should have to face cancer alone. This is where you can make a difference and support Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ in our mission to support those affected by prostate cancer.
Challenge yourself and make a difference.
Earlier this year Rachel ran a half marathon in memory of her beloved father Brian, who lived with prostate cancer for 15 years. Unfortunately, it eventually spread to other areas of his body, and he died.
“I wanted to do something in memory of my dad, Brian. Although he didn’t use the services PCFNZ provide, if he had, I hope that he would not have felt so alone. Men’s cancer is not openly spoken about or advocated as much as other women’s cancers. I want to do my part in striving for better access in testing and support for men.”
Brian’s journey with prostate cancer was challenging and emotional for the whole family. Despite the availability of support services, like many men, Brian chose to keep his struggles private, primarily with close family members.
It’s heartbreaking how cancer can disrupt one’s life.
1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime.
Men aged 50+ should be tested every year, and those with family history of prostate cancer should start testing from age 40. Cycle to help our dads, grandads, uncles, brothers, sons and mates – Cycle to STOP the Cycle.
Every cent raised goes to supporting them and their families including a range of FREE support services that are available to help those diagnosed with prostate cancer, their families and whānau.
Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ is an independent charity, community funded and receives no government funding. Your generous donations help provide free information, advice, and support to over 42,000 men living with prostate cancer and their families. This includes services such as a free nurse-led Information Service, a 24/7 Counselling Service, Support Groups, an Online Support Forum, and educational resources.
Join our fundraising cycling heroes and make a significant impact. With your gift today, we can help make sure that no one will have to go through the heartbreak of prostate cancer without the support they so urgently need.
Fundraise for us with this year’s Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge.