Event Safety and Etiquette
There are risks involved in taking part in the Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge. Please ensure you have read and accept our event Terms and Conditions before entering and are fully versed with both our Terms and Conditions along with our event Safety & Etiquette before taking part.
Safety is paramount. We want to keep everyone safe at the Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge. We strive to continually improve our event in order to ensure that it is as safe as possible, but we need your help!
For that reason, it’s important you’re used to cycling in groups. If everyone plays by the cycling rules and sticks to event safety and etiquette we’ll all have a great day!
There are many precautions that we take to make your ride a safe one but remember that the entire course takes place on public roads which are open at all times.
All MTB courses take place on public tracks.
We could have a fire, earthquake or similar emergency.
Follow all instructions from staff who may hold you at locations or lead you to safety.
What to do if you are injured / ill or just cannot continue:
Stay calm.
Contact the Event Operations Centre – the number is on your bib.
Stop the next cyclist going past you and ask for help.
Apply first aid to yourself.
Put on all of your spare clothing.
If you are in an exposed position try to get out of the wind but make sure you are not so far off the road or track that we cannot find you.
Wait for assistance.
We have event Medics who will get to you as soon as they can. Once the medic has assessed you, you will either be allowed to continue, transported by St Johns or picked up by one of our SAG wagons and taken back to the finish line. Please note you may need to wait a while so make sure you take warm clothes with you on your ride.
Safety Briefings
Please read your safety briefing before you arrive at the start line.
Cycling performance and skills online course
Optimize My Ride is the place to start your journey to become a more informed, safe and skilled cyclist, so you can smash your goals.
The course has been developed by cycling experts who have represented NZ at many Olympic games. It covers everything from setting up your bike, to riding effectively in a bunch.
Take part in this interactive online course to improve your performance on the road, increase your skills, get home safely and take your ride to the next level.
Make sure your bike is well maintained and set up properly. This includes checking tyres are inflated and not leaking, drive train is in great working condition, both front and rear brakes are functioning properly, and your seat at the correct height. We recommend you get a professional service prior to the event. Some bike mechanics will be on course on event day however, please carry your own spares and tools, and know how to use them.
A bike mechanic will be available for basic bike check and repair on Friday at Rider Check In. Some bike mechanics will on course on event day however, it is your responsibility to please ensure that your bike has been checked and serviced and is fit for purpose before coming to event. Please carry your own spares and tools, and know how to use them.
With the event taking place in the Central North Island, weather conditions may be different to what you’re used to. The weather can be changeable on event day and in different locations on the course so please invest in appropriate clothing for all weather conditions, layers are highly recommended. A warm and comfortable rider is a safer rider.
Seed yourself on the start line based on your current ability. You are risking injury to yourself and others if you confuse ambition with the ability to ride in a pack too quick for you. Be sure you are wearing appropriate clothing; it can be cold at the start while you’re waiting to start your ride. There is a drop bag service provided at the start line for you to leave behind anything you don’t require for the ride itself.
Helmets must be worn at all times, worn correctly (eg. not sitting back or forward on your head) and fastened securely while cycling. These must meet the NZ Approved Standard.
Don’t overlap wheels. Stay behind the rider in front of you or move up beside them.
Do not cross the centre line. Always stay as far left as reasonably practicable.
Maintain a straight line. Practice taking the water bottle out of its cage and food out of your back pockets before the event. During bunch riding wobbling is dodgy. Minimise looking behind you – often it causes you to veer from a straight line.
Sudden movements create problems for riders around you. Keep an eye on developments ahead of you. Don’t always look down at the rider in front of you, but use their back as your target while regularly glancing 3 to 5 riders ahead, and also up the road to see problems before they occur.
Keep your upper body relaxed and loose. Any bumps on the road will be absorbed. Hitting a pothole with rigid arms, could cause an accident.
When moving from a seated position to a standing position, put extra pressure on the pedals so that you bike doesn’t ‘stall’.
If you see a hazard which would affect the line or momentum of the bunch it is your responsibility to signal to following riders, with subsequent riders continuing the signal further down the group.
Pass on the right, not the left.
This lets riders around you know what you are doing.
If you are passing a rider in front of you, say loudly “ON YOUR RIGHT”. If you are being passed you must keep your line.
Aerobars do not belong in bunch rides. They are dangerous and do not allow the rider to easily access their brakes. You are able to leave your aero bars on your bike and are able to use them when you are riding on your own but you must not use them when riding within a bunch.
Don’t stay on your brakes. It’s safest to ‘feather brake’ which means tapping the brakes and applying intermittent pressure. This is wise in wet weather too. If you need to slow for a corner, do the braking BEFORE the corner and release the brakes as you turn. Touching your brakes in a turn will make your bike go straight.
You must stick to the road speed restrictions, particularly any speed restricted areas such as 30km/h, 50km/h etc. Use the back brake more than the front (about 60 to 40%). Slide your weight back on the seat. Avoid locking up the wheels.
Don’t jam your brakes on suddenly – stay alert for hazards ahead and brake with control.
If you have to stop, clearly signal your intention and get clearly off the road (always on the left).
Wear high visibility or brightly coloured clothing appropriate for the weather conditions and the courses you are riding eg. dark coloured clothing can be dangerous on dark, wet days, particularly if riding on tar seal surfaces. Invest in appropriate clothing for all weather conditions. Weather can be changeable on event day and in different locations on the course so layers are highly recommended. A warm and comfortable rider is a safer rider.
We highly recommended you have a rear red flashing light either fitted to your bike or worn on your back or helmet.
Always obey the road rules of New Zealand, including the Give Way and Stop Signs on course. There must never be more than two cyclists cycling next to one another. When the road is narrow or vehicles cannot pass, everyone should cycle in single file. It is illegal for three or more cyclists to ride next to one another. For more information, please read through the NZ Road Code for Cyclists.
Always pay attention to and act upon instructions given by course marshals, traffic management professionals and police.
Absolutely no support vehicles are allowed on the course on Saturday. There is no need to have support vehicles as we provide transport to and from interchange points. Water stops, medical needs and bike mechanics are available on the course.
Did not start
If you have collected your registration pack and then due to unforeseen circumstances you are unable to start please let us know by ringing 021 054 1864. This is extremely important.
Did not finish
If you start your ride and due to unforeseen circumstances you are unable to cross the finish line please notify us either by calling or texting to 021 054 1864 or visiting the Information Marquee in the Event Village to record that you were not able to finish
On Road
Management reserves the right to remove riders from the course if it’s apparent they will not complete the event by 8pm or it is deemed the safety of themselves or others could be compromised.
Off Road
Management reserves the right to remove riders from the MTB course if it’s apparent they will not complete the event by 7pm or it is deemed the safety of themselves or others could be compromised.
Use of Drones
For the safety of all people on event it is important that you and your supporters are aware that there are strict Civil Aviation Authority rules in regard to use of drones. You must adhere to their Part 101 Rules for unmanned aircraft.