Net zero energy generation by 2035
This home belongs to all of us, so let’s look after it.
Generating energy so you can turn the lights on or cook dinner has an impact on our shared home. We’re lucky that most of our electricity comes from renewable sources like hydro (water) and geothermal (steam). But during peak times when there’s high demand, like first thing in the morning or in the evening, New Zealand often relies on energy generated from fossil fuels.
So with some courage and clever thinking we’ve promised to have net zero energy generation by 2035.
We’re planning to achieve this by:
Continuing to invest in new renewable energy like our wind, steam and solar projects
Retiring fossil fuel power stations while increasing low carbon energy generation through Tauhara, our new geothermal power station near Taupō
Helping Aotearoa to reduce reliance on fossil fuels during peak times through our Good Plans
Finding innovative ways to manage emissions – like turning our carbon emissions into bubbles for everything from lager to lemonade. Cheers to that!
It’s exciting times. An ‘electrified’ Aotearoa where our country is powered by renewable energy not fossil fuels, is looking very promising for our collective future.