How to get fit faster
Do you want to get fit faster? The key is giving your body the right nutrients at the right time.
After a training session your body starts recovery – this is the process that builds your muscles and metabolic pathways back even stronger, and you therefore get fitter. You can optimise this process by providing the right ingredients at this time, and therefore get fit faster.
During an endurance training programme, there is a myriad of adaptations that you are trying to create, but from a nutritional perspective, there are two key pathways.
First of all, is the storage and use of your body's favourite fuel - carbohydrates.
After a long training session you can prime your body to store more carbohydrates (increase the size of your fuel tank) by consuming enough carbohydrate.
However if you fail to eat enough carbohydrates, your body will not adapt as much as it could have, and you won't get as fit. In fact, you are likely to feel more fatigued, and get poorer training outcomes in the future.
Secondly, the process of exercise breaks down your muscles. This provides your body with the opportunity to rebuild in a way that is better suited to the training that you are doing. If you provide the right amount of protein soon after exercise, muscle fibres will be rebuilt better adapted to the exercise you do.
Exercise primes your body to adapt to exercise, but if the right ingredients are not provided in the recovery period, then this adaptation will not be as great as it could have.
What does this look in reality
Plan recovery when you are planning training. It's hard to make good decisions when you are exhausted.
A nutritionally complete recovery meal will include Protein (meat, eggs, daiy, fish, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds)
Carbohydrates (Rice, pasta, bread, potato, kumara, cereal, taro, yam, crackers etc)
Something from a plant - vegetables, fruit