Heart kids need heart heroes

Every week in Aotearoa New Zealand 12 children are diagnosed with a heart condition. News of a childhood heart condition can turn a family’s life upside down, but no one has to face that journey alone. We walk alongside families through diagnosis and treatment, offering support, knowledge and guidance. We make sure that our heart families have this support freely available during hospital stays and at home in the community.

Our family support team are dedicated to being there for everyone who navigates a heart journey. Often, families are faced with separation, loneliness, isolation, financial hardship, stress and uncertainty about the future. Our team of trained, passionate family support taituarā are based around Aotearoa NZ, so families are supported when and where they need it most.

We are the only organisation in Aotearoa NZ that provides free, lifelong care and support for children, teens, adults and whānau impacted by childhood heart conditions. For 40 years, we have worked tirelessly to deliver quality support, information, connection and hope to our heart families.

We receive no government funding and rely on the generosity of the New Zealand public to help fund our vital support services so families can continue to access crucial support, when, and where they need it most.


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