Mountain Biking and Taupō go hand in hand

Mountain Biking and Taupō are synonymous with each other, thanks to our incredible local advocacy group Bike Taupō. Bike Taupō not only create the incredible pumice based, year-round riding tracks across our beautiful region, but also do an amazing job of managing and overseeing our three mountain bike categories in the BDO Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge on event weekend.

Not that you should need any excuse to take on one of these awesome options on offer but if you’re still sitting on the fence, how about the carrot of some prize money that we have up for grabs, or bragging rights with the BDO Huka Challenge and BDO Huka Steamer categories now being part of the NZ MTB Crown Series?

BDO Huka Challenge

Get set for 85km (approx..) of some of the best flowing, old-school, single mountain bike track riding in the region. This course will challenge you mentally and physically with very few opportunities to take your eyes off the pumice-based tracks for a drink or bite to eat.

BDO Huka Steamer

It’s our most popular MTB event and with good reason, the 60km (approx..) BDO Huka Steamer is challenging, epic and offers up all the scenery we’ve come accustomed to during Cycle Challenge events.

 BDO Huka Teaser

New to mountain biking, looking to hone your skills or just get out there and have a blast? Look no further than the BDO Huka Teaser. This epic 30km (approx.) adventure ride is perfect if you’re looking to get out there and have an awesome time among like-minded riders.


We’re under 100 Days to Go!


We’re now part of the NZ MTB Crown Series