It’s event week! Some top tips from Tim at Ventouro our training and coaching partner
Training can be a lot like drinking: to have a great time you need to know when to stop.
In the week leading up to the event, you can do more to undermine your training than you can to enhance it. Yet, just like that “one more” drink, it’s the prospect of getting a little extra something that gets you in trouble.
A week of great sleep, easy spins and good food will ensure you’re rested for event day, but to be fresh you need some intense workouts.
This may seem counterintuitive but tapering is all about reducing the overall training workload while maintaining just enough stimulus to keep the body primed and ready to go.
Reducing your training load is as simple as cutting back on the hours and km's, and also reducing your pace.
If your rides are normally 90 minutes, this week they’re 60. Hour-long rides go to 45 minutes. They don’t have to be complete recovery rides, but you need to resist the urge to test yourself every time you go out.
The fitness is there, but you have to trust it!