Friends who ride together, stay together - why riding in groups is good for your health

“No bike ride is too far when you have good company.” 

We all know that exercise is great for our mental and physical wellbeing. But there’s certainly those days you’d rather hit snooze on the alarm clock than head out for another training ride. 

So how do you make sure you always have the motivation to get out on your bike? Ride with friends of course! 

When there is a familiar face waiting on the start line for you, someone to share the weather with and one of the best parts - a rewarding hot or cold beverage at the end - it somehow feels less of a ‘chore’ and far more enjoyable when you have a companion to cycle beside (or in front of/behind).

Still need convincing? Here’s a few more reasons to book in a ride with your mates asap.  

Connection and community 

A sense of belonging is an important part of being human. And when you’re riding with friends, you’re building important connections while being able to benefit from experiencing companionship with others. 

Of course these aren’t tangible things that we can see, but it certainly triggers a whole lot of feel-good chemicals to fire off in our brains, which helps to relieve stress and anxiety, improve sleep and self-esteem, and so much more! 

Venture further afield

When you’re riding in a group, you may be more open to heading off in a direction you haven’t explored before. We all have our favourite trails and cycling routes, but it can be good to shake things up from time-to-time, which is easier to do when you have someone to show you the way. 

Or, together you can tackle the unknown! There’s something to be said about safety in numbers, and if you’re with those who have got your back, you’re more likely to try new things - giving you the opportunity to see new sights and excel to new heights. 

Support each other

A casual bike ride is quite different from training for something specific, but when you are training for an event such as the Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge, it’s great to have the support from others doing the same thing.

Sharing tips and tricks amongst people you trust is also really helpful for all sorts of things - maybe someone in the group is knowledgeable about nutrition, and another person has their finger on the pulse when it comes to new cycling tech. 

And often, just chatting about life’s happenings results in the mindful respite you need. 

Ride for a reason 

Another awesome motivator for riding with friends is that you can do it to raise funds or awareness for a cause close to your hearts. Whether it's through participating in the Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge or organising your own ride, you can make a meaningful impact while enjoying the camaraderie of cycling together.

Having a target to reach can be really motivating and if you’re all working to achieve it together, well, you know what they say, ‘teamwork makes the dream work’. And contributing to the world around will definitely bring with it a sense of purpose and pride. 

There’s no question getting out on your bike is a mood-booster, and when you do it with friends, it really takes it to the next level. 

From gentle encouragement and accountability to celebrating personal and shared goals - you’ll always come out on top when you’re riding in good company. And at the end of every day, the bonus is that you’ve contributed to your overall health and wellbeing. It’s a win-win!

Kim Manunui

Hi, I’m Kim and I work with a great team to help individuals, as well as small and not so small businesses get their message, product and services to the world using digital media and creating wonderful websites that don’t cost the earth.

I was born in Canada, and grew up around Vancouver and the mountains of British Columbia. My love of pristine environments led me to New Zealand and eventually to the mountains, lakes and rivers of the central North Island which is home. My family’s heritage is here, and it’s from here that Korio traverses the planet.

The digital world is never static and neither are we.

And I say ‘we’ because I work with an awesome group of talented people who I gather together as required to complete a project.  Whatever your business, not-for-profit or individual needs are we gather the best team to get the job done.

Collaboratively we are creative, share sustainable values and work hard for great outcomes because that’s the buzz of satisfaction that drives us.

If you have an audience and market to reach, we can make that happen. Creative design, words that work and smart behind the scenes stuff that cuts through the online noise. We’ll design your website and then build it. We’ll manage the content as well as all your hosting needs. We can handle your online advertising so you get noticed,
and we’ll manage your social media presence so you get the clicks, likes and engagement to grow your business. All within the budget you set, because none of this needs to cost the earth.  And the job doesn’t stop when your website goes live. We are your virtual business partner.

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