Independent Traffic Control Length of the Lake

Drumroll please for the Independent Traffic Control Length of the Lake road event from Tūrangi to Taupō. Approx. 55km, this course showcases the most awe-inspiring section of scenery from the southern end of the lake towards Taupō.

Whether you are new to road cycling, have an e-Bike you want to test out, or are looking for the perfect stepping stone event for a longer distance option, the Independent Traffic Length of the Lake event is for you. 

From the start line at Tūrangi’s Tūrangitukua Park head out on Hirangi Road to SH41 and onto SH1 north towards Taupō. As you pedal around this section of the lake be sure to look up and take in the surroundings before settling in for the challenge of the infamous Hatepe Hill. Flush the legs on the final stretch past Five Mile Bay and along the lake edge towards the finish line in the heart of Taupō.

You can choose to stay at the southern end of the lake and pick up your registration pack at Tūrangitukua  Park on the morning of the event, or stay in Taupō and pick up your registration on Friday. Either way we recommend adding on the bike and bus transport option to your event entry. If you would prefer to make your own way to the start please ensure that you are dropped off with your bike before 10am and that you drive with care as there will be a number of cyclists on the road. Once you’ve arrived at Tūrangitukua Park soak up the atmosphere before heading out onto the road where you will start in small groups under the direction of the start manager. 


Approx 55km

Vertical Climb


Entry Fee From


*Pricing details Click Here

  • Start Time:
    First wave 11am

    Start Line:
    Tūrangitukua Park, Turangi

    Finish Line:
    Tongariro St

    Rider Check In:
    Friday from 12pm till 8pm
    Great Lake Center Taupo

    Saturday from 8am till 10am Tūrangtitukua Park

  • Bike and Rider transport to the start line in Tūrangi is available to purchase when you enter online. The cost of this is $30

    You will need to register on Friday night as all bikes must be loaded for transportation if you are using this service.

    Buses will leave Te Heuheu St opposite Church @109 on Saturday morning.

    9:15am (Group 1)
    9:30am (Group 2)
    9:45am (Group 3)

    Your time can be booked when you enter online.

    A return service will also be available to get you back to Tūrangi after prizegving at approximately 6:30pm this is available to purchase with your online entry.

  • Please select a start time based on the length of time you expect to ride the Length of the Lake. Timing does not start until your cross the timing mat.

    Start times

    Group 1 - 11:15am (ride time under 2 hrs)
    Group 2 - 11:30am (ride time 2 hrs - 2 hrs 30 mins)
    Group 3 - 11:45am (ride time over 2 hrs 30 mins)

  • There are a number of water stops around the lake.

    R-Line Electrolyte Drink will also be available on the course.

    Hydration is available at the start and the following locations:

    Mission Bay

    Hatepe Hill

  • Management reserves the right to remove riders from the course if it’s apparent they will not complete the event by 8pm or it is deemed the safety of themselves or others could be compromised.

  • This year’s age groups are:

    19 and under

    20 - 29

    30 - 39

    40 - 49

    50 - 59

    60 - 69


  • We have made the decision that the minimum age for a child with an accompanying adult (1:1) is 12 years old. This decision has been made not only for the safety of your child but also our other participants and in keeping with the NZ Road Code. To ride the event alone the child must be 15 or over.

    If your child is between 12 -15 but you will be accompanying them for the full duration of their ride please email for entry information.

  • Electric bikes are permitted as part of this event category and will be timed separately from the non assisted bikes. We will not be supplying charging stations around the course. Please ensure you register in the ebike event category when you enter online.